Irrespective of whether you are superstitious or tolerant towards the beliefs and ideas of things that do not have a scientific explanation, you ought to know about the red string bracelet which is keenly accepted in Buddhist, Hindu, and also in the traditions of Kabbalah. The red string bracelet is believed to work wonders in the spheres of life, love, prosperity, et al.
On Similar Lines
The belief of the red string of fate is similar to the New Age concept of Twin Flames, which binds the lovers together.
Is wearing red string bracelet a myth? Or does it hold sufficient reasons which propel people from all across the globe, belonging to various walks of life, to adorn this red string bracelet on their wrists.
Most people in the west came to know about the red string bracelet, when they first saw it on pop icon Madonna’s wrist. Celebrities or influential people have the ability to influence people to such an extent that we tend to move all sorts of reasoning to the backseat, and we imitate them without a single thought! Needless to say, people started wearing this bracelet, imitating Madonna, and thus wearing the red bracelet become a fashion statement.
However, little did people realize that wearing one, actually has many positive effects on one’s mind and body. In many of the Eastern religions, a red string bracelet is believed to have magical powers and thus a person who wears it will see his life changing for the good. That’s why, in many Eastern countries, a red string bracelet is worn by people, to find their soulmates, to become successful in their respective careers, to improve their relationships, and to protect themselves against all untoward things in life.
The Chinese traditions uphold the red string as the ‘string of fate’ which though invisible to the naked eye, has the potential to bind two individuals by the supreme power of love and mutual trust.
Irrespective of the geographical differences, the Chinese are well-knit with one another, and hence, are called the soulmates. At an appropriate time, these people meet and stay with each other through the thick and thin of life.
Red string bracelet are also resistant to breaking, and is miraculously tied to the little finger of the individuals. They ardently believe that, no matter what, wherever the beings are, whether they approve of it or not, marriages and soulmates are fixed, (read prefixed) long before one realizes. The divine power associated with this match-making task is the revered, Yuè xià lǎo, who is also known as the moon god. The deity is responsible for allotting one’s ideal match.
The lore behind the Chineses belief of the red string bracelet doesn’t limit this idea of meeting the predestined individuals as lovers, or spouses; but has the wide idea which endorses the fact that the individuals are those people who could be parents, siblings, friends, or mere acquaintances to whom we shall teach something, or from whom we shall learn something, that adds value to our whole existence.
The Chinese believe that this powerful bond of faith is tied by the gods on the little finger; and with the passage of time, the length shortens, meaning that the distances between the people are diminishing, and the ties grow stronger.
The Japanese, too have a similar belief, the only difference is that, the red string is tied not on the finger, but round the ankle.
A red string in Hinduism is known as the kalava. It is supposed to invoke the divine blessings, fortune, well-being, and prosperity.
Wearing a red string on the wrist by Hindus denote that they uphold the sanctity of their religion, and their adherence to the Hindu way of life.
On significant occasions like a religious function, known as puja or pujan, these red strings are given by the priest, and the devotees tie them on their wrists.
The kalava goes beyond divine purpose on such religious activities in the Hindus. When masses tie these strings, they are all introduced into a uniform process, despite grave differences, and thus are instilled with a strange feeling of oneness and unity.
According to Hinduism, a red string bracelet is sacred and is used in many of the religious ceremonies. It is tied to the right wrist of a man and to the left wrist of a woman, to wish them good luck and to honor blessings on them.
On significant occasions like a religious function, known as puja or pujan, these strings are given by the priest, and the devotees tie them on their wrists.
On the occasion of the Hindu festival, Rakshabandhan, a red string is tied on the brother’s wrist, by the sister, signifying that he will protect her from all evils and enemies, and will take care of her.
There are many reasons and functions associated with the red string in the Kabbalah. According to tradition, a red string is wound round the tomb of Rachel, who mothered Joseph and Benjamin, after suffering the traumatic experience of not begetting children. After the string is tied round the tomb, it is endowed with mystical and magical powers. The string is then cut into several pieces such that people can tie it on their left wrist.
The idea behind this practice is that Rachel is accepted as the ultimate mother figure who protects her children from the odds. By tying this thread, it is perceived that she is protecting all her children from the evil. It is customary to tie it on the left wrist because, in Judaism, the left side is the side of reception. She was diligent in her prayers, and hence consequently, she gave birth to two boys.
The Kabbalah red string bracelet is worn to ward off all evils and negative energy.
Kabbalists are of the belief that if someone is jealous of you, they look at you with the “evil eye” and thus, negative energy enters your life, which can harm you in many ways. Kabbalists wear this red bracelet, at all times, as according to their religion, it will eliminate all kinds of negativity from your life.
It is also believed that if a red string bracelet is worn by the entire family, it is like a spiritual blessing for everyone, which will last for generations! It will make the family members connect better and act as each other’s support in times of need.
According to some interpretations, the red string bracelet is known to keep the family members protected against diseases, poverty and curses.
In Buddhism, the color red holds tremendous significance. It is accepted as a strong hue that directly impacts one’s life and sustenance of the same. It takes care of the life force. It is also used widely during meditation and helps one to detach from the worldly attractions, and focus rather on the development of the conscience. Apart from these, red represents fearlessness, courage and bravery.
Monks and other people who tie red string bracelets on each other’s wrists, wish these very qualities to one another.
Red strings are used in Tibetan Buddhism religious ceremonies.
It is believed that tying a red thread to the centerpiece, during a traditional ceremony, while chanting scriptures side by side, will bring people closer. Post the ceremony, the red sacred thread is to be tied on each other’s wrists.
Red strings have been spotted dangling round the necks of monks. Not only do the monks use these strings, but the commoners also receive them as a sign of blessing. It is thus known as the ‘protection and blessing cord’. Amazing are the powers and people’s belief on them!
The procedure is simple. The lama or the monk empowers the cord and then passes the blessings to the disciples via the cord. He utters mantras upon the cord and thus blesses the people with the cord, by tying it around their necks.
These are some of the beliefs with regards to a red string bracelet. Although, a red string is known to bestow good fortune on a person, yet, this is just a belief, a religious myth, which has been carried on for generations. There is nothing concrete to prove, whether it actually does what the religious beliefs say. Still, as religion is something to be believed in and not dissected, anyone can wear a red string bracelet and see for himself, whether it really works wonders or not!