Mantras, incantations, and spells are a great way to bring more spirituality into your life. These are all chanted, verbal techniques that can lead to
So, What’s Up With Ouija Boards?
If you've never used a Ouija board, you've probably seen them. The occult board, covered in numbers and letters penned in a mysterious font, has been
What Are Tarot Cards All About?
For the uninitiated, Tarot cards might look like a lot of heeby-jeeby weirdness. However, those who are familiar with Tarot cards and understand how
Meditative Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind
If you're tuning into your spiritual side, then it's important to make sure that you have a strong mind. A truly capable spiritual person will have
Incantations and Mantras for Success
Mantras have been used for thousands of years to help bring about changes in the lives of individuals and communities. Psychologically, a mantra
Being Cautious With New Age Spiritualism
Nowadays, New Age spiritualism is all over the place. Pretty much any major city will have some sort of New Age metaphysical shop, selling crystals,
The 7 Archangels and Their Spiritual Meanings
The archangels are a spiritual force that are referenced throughout religions across the world. Exoterically, they are known to be the assistants
The 7 Universal Principles and How They Affect Our Lives
The 7 Universal Laws of Hermetic Philosophy were first explained to us several thousand years ago. Even though these laws were handed down in ancient
10 Most Sacred and Worshiped Animals Around the World
In various religions, animals are worshiped either in the form of deities or symbols, and are given high reverence in their societies. This