In Christianity, the seven spirits of God are the holy spirits in the Book of Revelation. Let’s find out…
Every human being is in deep love of god, whatever may be the religion he belongs to. Many have a firm faith or a belief that supernatural beings denote their religious values. In the Book of Revelation, the seven spirits of Holy God are mentioned four times as in Rev. 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, and in 5:6. We must look at some assumptions about the origin of the seven spirits before mentioning their names.
Assumptions on Seven Holy Spirits
The conventional Christians believe in the uniqueness of one Holy Spirit as God. While, some people include God, His son and spirits like love, righteousness, justice, grace, life, adoption, freedom and the spirit of glory.
The seven spirits are supposed to be the burning lamps in the honor of Jesus Christ.
The seven spirits symbolize seven horns and seven eyes of the lamb come to the earth.
Many devotees believe that the seven spirits are the qualities of God that indicate perfection and completion.
These angels or spirits are the seven horns of the lamb, connoting the authority of Jesus.
There is an argument whether the 7 spirits are the seven continents of the world, which is still a debatable question.
List of Seven Spirits
“The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.” – Isaiah 11:2
The seven holy spirits symbolize perfection in God; and inspire us to discover the same qualities as possessed by these divine beings. We are the sons and daughters of the Almighty on earth. Can you guess what are the spirits of God? According to Isaiah 11:2, the seven spirits are:
1. Spirit of the Lord
Jesus Christ creates his own life within us. He gives us life, power and desires. We are guided to be perfect so that our every work becomes a Godly action.
2. Spirit of Knowledge
Knowledge will enable us to understand the truth. Everyone finds out solutions to work out their problems and worries, where the actual knowledge starts.
3. Spirit of Understanding
When a person is able to receive the things the way they are, he will proceed to gain wisdom.
4. Spirit of Wisdom
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.” – Ephesians 1:17. It’s God’s wisdom that helps us to judge ourselves.
5. Spirit of Counsel
God consoles his disciples and shows the right path in making decisions.
6. Spirit of Power
As a child of God, we get the power of choices. Spirits of power is the inborn talent that one gains by age and struggle.
7. Spirit of the Fear of the Lord
Lord empowered us to love all human beings and animals. Try to love your enemies, so that hate will turn into love. This faith in God makes human beings to behave without any sin in their minds. These devotees bend their knees to pray to God for best wishes and care.
Thus, these are different assumptions about God, Jesus and the 7 spirits. It’s true that God is the only One – the Universal Creator – looking after all human beings equally without any discrimination. Let these holy spirits of God enlighten our minds in His service.