The 7 Universal Laws of Hermetic Philosophy were first explained to us several thousand years ago. Even though these laws were handed down in ancient times, they are still just as relevant today.
Understanding the 7 Universal Laws and learning to apply them to your daily life helps attune you to the flow of nature. You can experience incredible transformation in your life once you understand how to work with these laws.
This article will provide only a brief outline of each law. We’ll explain each one in more detail in further articles.
1. The Law of Mentalism
The ALL is Mind, the Universe is Mental.
Understanding this law is important for understanding why the universe and the world at large responds to our emotions, our intentions, and our beliefs. Once we recognize the Law of Mentalism to be truth, we can begin to integrate our own mind with the Universal Mind and experience profound synchronicities, manifestations, and what would otherwise seem like miracles.
2. The Law of Correspondence
As above, so below.
The Law of Correspondence simply states that that which is above, in the higher or etheric realms, is like that which is below, in the material realms. The Law of Correspondence allows us to grasp the big picture of some spiritual realities which are impossible to comprehend merely with our physical senses.
3. The Law of Vibration
Nothing rests, everything moves and vibrates.
Science has long since proved the Law of Vibration, which is now acknowledged as established fact. Nothing in the universe is at rest – all things vibrate, all things are constantly in motion.
The Law of Vibration principally explains the different densities of etheric and physical matter as a result of varying degrees of vibration.
4. The Law of Polarity
Everything is dual, everything has its pair of opposites.
You can’t have good without bad, or happiness without sadness. The Law of Polarity reminds us of the dual nature of the world we currently live in.
5. The Law of Rhythm
Everything has its tides.
The Law of Rhythm illustrates how all things ebb and flow. Nothing is infinite, and even the Universe itself flows back and forth like the swing of a great pendulum. All things carry in them inherent motion, and this motion flows in a pattern.
6. The Law of Cause and Effect
Every Cause has its Effect. Every Effect has its Cause.
The Law of Cause and Effect simply states that nothing happens merely by chance, and that all occurrences can be traced back to an initial cause. Likewise, all causes will lead to an eventual effect.
Those who work to truly understand and master this law can ultimately decide to become Causes instead of merely Effects – to become instigators of future realities rather than the results of previous events.
7. The Law of Gender
Everything has its Masculine and Feminine principles.
Without getting into any politically correct debates, the Law of Gender reminds us that everything on the planet embodies a certain amount of the Divine Masculine and Feminine principles. The balance of Masculine (yang) and Feminine (yin) energy creates the fundamental duality that allows the universe to exist.
Written by Nigel Ford