Use of the star and crescent together as emblems by ancient empires had no religious association. This SpiritualRay article helps you discover more
Everything You Need to Know About Calvinism Can Be Found Here
The Calvinists are often divided over the controversial significance of the doctrine of predestination, particularly regarding the question of Free
A Little Bit of Information About the Religious Habit of Nuns
What does the religious habit mean? It refers to clothing of the members of a religious order. Learn about the religious clothing of nuns.
Papal Bull: Explaining the Concept, its Definition, and Examples
To convey important ecclesiastical laws, the Catholic Church issues old-fashioned sealed edicts by the Holy See which are known as the Papal Bulls.
Read the Story of Saint Brigid’s Cross and Understand its Meaning
Like shamrock and harp, the Saint Brigid's cross has become a symbol of Ireland. For those who wish to know the symbolism behind this cross,
A Complete Understanding of Animism With Examples
Animism is a belief that even the non-living things have souls. Let us try to understand more about this concept through examples given in this
What Do Different Colors Theologically Symbolize in the Bible?
Everything that we see around is God's glory, and His glory is copious with colors. The Bible makes references to colors that hold symbolic meanings.
Similarities and Differences Between the Egyptian God Horus and Jesus
Modern day conspiracy theorists have been linking Jesus to the ancient Egyptian God, Horus. There are many films and books flooding the market
Types of Satanism
Satanism as a concept or ideology has been largely misinterpreted by the masses all over the world; what most of us didn't know is that just like