Poseidon was the god of the sea and the god of horses. He was also the god of earthquakes and storms. Know more about this important figure in Greek
God will Make a Way!
Who can love a child more than the ones who gave him life? Even if they would not, it is the God who restores and heals every heart. May He comfort
Life on the Inside of the FLDS
We've all been hearing about the trials of the women and children of the Yearning for Zion ranch in Texas, but what exactly are they being
Occult Symbols
Read on to know about occult symbolism and it represents...
Mesmerizing Ancient Egyptian Symbols and Their Intriguing Meanings
There is no vestige when it comes to the ancient Egyptians being primitive in any way. Their mythology, their art, and their symbols are all so
Signs and Symbols of Peace
The greatest expression of all is that of harmony and peace. There are number of signs and symbols of peace that are very effective in communicating
The History Of Gregorian Chant
We hear the Gregorian Chant so very commonly in churches, without even knowing the meaning of the words or where they have originated from. But the
Inspirational Bible Verses to Encourage and Motivate You
Quotes, no matter what kind, are tremendously helpful in times, both good and bad. They serve as an aiding crutch to many, with their wise, witty, and
The Power of God in Our lives
The Creator has shown so much love to us sending His Son, Jesus Christ to save us form our impossibility to defeat sin and death. He gave us His life